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Month: December 2018

How to Create Dummy Files with Windows Command Line

Fsutil.exe is a built in filesystem tool that is useful to do file system related operations from command line. We can create a file of required size using this tool. fsutil file createnew filename length (length is in bytes) For example, to create a dummy file test.txt, with size as 50MB: Note: The above command…

Acro JavaScript: Folder Level Script for Save As PDF

Have you ever needed to submit a PDF to a specific file path, but couldn’t figure out how to accomplish this? Let’s do it! Here’s how the file name will appear when the users selects the submit button in the form in this scenario. Here’s the JavaScript placed on the submit button in the PDF:…

Acro Javascript: Placement Text in PDF Form Fields

In addition to the post: Acro Javascript: Question Icons / Buttons an additional way to include instruction to users who may have questions when filling out more complex forms is to use placement text within the form fields. Here’s how the PDF could function: To do this, start by opening a PDF form. Select the…